Publicis Groupe Costa Rica

Three campaigns took home an 8 Ball, thirteen earned a score of 7, while forty- five scored a 6 on the refreshed HumanKind Scale.
An unmatched passion for Creative excetience has always (Inven Leo Burnett Worldwtíe’s Global Product Comrmttee (GPC) wheretr the networfc s leaders gather to review and assess the years Creative works This time, however. rather than a meeting of the minds in India or Illinois, the GPC convened dígitally.

Twenty-two Bornetters – representing Creative, strategy. design and production – broke through 14 tme zooes to venturo into unprecedented corners of the Creative world Zoomland. The three-day event marked the agency s f irst-ever virtual GPC, and at the end of Day 3. the judges awarded three prestigious 8 Bails. thirteen 7s and forty- rive 6s

This fall’s GPC was also special for another reason: it marked the global network s first time measuring work agamst the recently refreshed 10-pomt HumanKind Scale. On the revamped scaJe, a score of 8 – dubbed an “8 Balf – signifes work that is contagious A pxece of work that earns this prestigious score is defmed as ‘an entertainmg. partieratrve. sticky idea that makes people share the brandglobally.’

At the end of the wock. judges awarded thrcc campaigns this honor. Loo Bumctt Chicagos Kraft Heinz Country Time Lcmonadc “Littlest Baitout.” timety Creative that ceíebrated littie entrepreneurs everywhere; Leo Burnett Chicagos CoorsLight Clone Machine’ that touched on the Zoom fatigue and offered refíef from rigors of remóte work ¡ and Leo Burnett Melboume’s impactful BONOS ‘Out Now’ campaign that took the commonplace fashion phrase. ‘out now.’and transformed it into an empowenng message for LGBTQ* youth

And while these thrcc sccurod a score of 8. there wcrc 13 campagns across 10 global offices – Bangkok. Beirut Chicago. Londoa Madrid. Melboume, Sao Pauto. Toronto – that secured a score of 7. On the same refreshed HumanKind Scale. a 7 * labeled as inspiring – “a beautifulty crafted. inspired. captivating. human-centered idea that matters to people.’

Additionalty. forty five campaigns were honored with a score of 6. whlch is defmed as being ’intelligent’ or ‘an engaging thoughtf ul idea that rewards people for their time and attention *